Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Lauralye's Arrival ( 1 of 356 )

This is the story of the journey of our Lauralye Willow.

We found out in September that we were expecting and were naturally over the moon with excitement as we saw the beating heart on that very first ultrasound.

Our happiness was short lived because at 9 weeks I went to the ER for what I was terrified was a loss. They did an ultrasound and found a heartbeat and also a large subchronic hemorrhage. 

I learned to hate the "wait and see" and " time will tell" that my doctors kept telling me as I continued on bed rest and bleeding until I was 19 weeks.

Upon that anatomy scan we were given the amazing news that the SCH had resolved! We were also told that they thought they saw "boy bits" but were unsure. 

At 20 weeks they did another scan for growth and informed us that we were expecting a baby who was "not that small" and that they thought she was a girl.

The excitement began to build as we began to prepare the home and tell my four year old that he was going to be a big brother. We had kept the pregnancy a secret just in case with the concerns of the SCH.


Flash forward ... In the weeks leading up to my due date everyone was certain that she would come early because I had dropped and she was so big.

My due date came and went and she was still taking her time. I had excessive scarring from a traumatic first birth and she continued to measure two weeks ahead. My doctor and I discussed our options and I reluctantly agreed to an induction given my previous birthing history and the fact I had hemorrhaged with my son.

The big day arrived and they started pitocen at 5 am on Tuesday morning. Things progressed slowly but steadily as I dilated a cm ever two hours or so. My water broke around 11 am. After eight hours I found that contractions from an induction were as I has been told much more painful then a naturally progressing labor - and I accepted an epidural. 

The waiting game began and not much happened except the slow advance of little one. I wanted to labor down rather than push as soon as possible. Because I suffered maternal exhaustion with my son after four hours of pushing.

Around 1 am my epidural failed and the real pain began. Once I passed five cm I advanced rather quickly. I user some of the most beautiful imagery of my daughter to breathe through the Crest and swells of my contractions. I think I could have continued on this way had my room been quiet. The constant flux of doctors , nurses and so forth made it impossible to keep my focus. I had also begun to run a fever.

At 4 am I had them start the epidural again. At five it was 24 hours from the start with no food or rest. I had managed to labor her down until she was nearly earthside and it was time to push.

I want to pause here to say I have never felt so much support from my family who joined me. The nurse did not make them leave so when the time of her arrival became close I was surrounded by gentle touches and soothing laughter. 

After 45 minutes of pushing she had crowned and waited blissfully between two worlds. Then something happened that must share with you . Someone bumped the call button and another nurse came in. One nurse said "no it was a mistake" referring to calling here and my doctor replied "don't say that, she isn't a mistake. Her heads out now and she can hear you".

The silliness of the moment engulfed the room and everyone laughed. Then .... In that moment of warm laughter my daughter came into this world. Slipping earthside into a world of laughter and surrounded by love.

I can think of no better way to enter this world then how she arrived.

They were unable to delay cord clamping because she had a moment of shock where she didn't breath but a few moments under the warmer and she pinked up and cried.

Soon she was in my arms and the love in the room was overflowing as each person came over to kiss or hug and cry With me.

We are so blessed.

It turns out that our " not so little baby" weighed 9lbs and 3 oz.

Welcome earthside Lauralye willow 

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